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How to Answer the “Tell Me About Yourself” Interview Question

Jul 9, 2024 | Interview

Hey, hey Career Commander, it’s me, Tommy, back here again as we continue to give you an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE in your job search! And I have a question to ask you… “Tell me about yourself?” 

Now, I’m guessing you did one of two things when I asked you that. #1: You either had a proven answering path you went down immediately to form an answer that would HOOK me and make me immediately interested in what you had to say about yourself. OR #2: You FROZE UP and your mind went blank.

Don’t worry, I’m not judging you, and there’s NOTHING on the line that you’re risking right now by not answering this question. But, as the founder of Job Seekers University, I’ve seen this question completely ruin the interview for THOUSANDS of job seekers before it even starts. And I DON’T want that to happen to you. So, today, I want to show you how you can immediately answer the “Tell me about yourself” question when you’re asked it in an interview.

And I think the best way to do that is to share with you Sam’s story. You see, Sam hired me after her first interview went terribly wrong. She was a naturally introverted person with a fear of public speaking, so she had spent hours and hours preparing and practicing for this first interview. But, once she got into the heat of the moment, she got hit with what I call “The Interview Brain Freeze.” It started with the first question you’re usually asked in the interview process, “Tell me about yourself.”

Sam totally froze up, and she recalls it as one of the most embarrassing moments of her life. The words didn’t come out, and when she finally thought of a response, it wasn’t ANYTHING that impressed the interviewer or showcased her unique skills, achievements, and qualifications. It messed up her entire interview, and as a result, she didn’t get the job. But do you want to know why this happened to Sam? It WASN’T because she was an introvert or was afraid of public speaking. It was because she was preparing for the interview ALL WRONG.

Look, the interview has the illusion of being out of your control because your prep is only focused on reacting to the things you CAN’T CONTROL. Like memorizing pre-rehearsed answers to different questions, and hoping you’re asked those questions in the interview. There’s no base AND therefore, no proven response framework you can always rely on no matter WHAT questions you’re asked. Remember this: Knowing HOW to answer ANY question is more important than knowing WHAT questions to answer.

That’s exactly the strategy we shifted to in Sam’s prep to help her breeze through her following interviews with CONFIDENCE. I’d like to show you how it can work for YOU, just like it did for her. Now, the steps of this response framework will be used for ANY question you’re asked in your interview. But today, we’re going to focus on how you can use it when asked the “Tell me about yourself” question.

So, first and foremost, if you were asked this question right now in an interview, your first goal would be to determine what you want to achieve with your response—otherwise known as the ACTION you want the interviewer to take. So many times, we think about what WE want to say…but we’re not the one who’s in charge of hiring us. The interviewer and other key decision-makers are. So ALWAYS remember to start forming your response by asking yourself, “What ACTION do I want the interviewer to take as a result of my answer?” In this case, it would be to gain a better understanding of your background to consider you as a strong candidate for the job.

Next, once you’ve identified what you want the interviewer to DO, you need to ask yourself what they need to BELIEVE in order to take the desired action. These are the insights you can use from your professional history to showcase WHAT you’ve done and how they’re relevant to your target job. A good rule of thumb here is to find at least 2-3 insights, or specific experiences, that give a well-rounded scope of WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU DO.

Then, the final step is proving these insights (which are just CLAIMS at this point) to be TRUE. You can do this with concrete evidence and examples of the results you achieved in your professional history.

Now, I know this may seem like a lot to remember right now, but in my system, I show you the ONLY 2 sources you need to draw from to get all of this information about yourself RIGHT AWAY. I teach you the full AND shorthand versions of this answering process that will have you forming instant responses in the heat of the interview without any hesitation. We weren’t meant to be perfectly repetitive robots, and that’s where memorization can be the biggest downfall in the interview preparation process.

If you want to take the wasted time that stems from memorization and false control and leave it in the past, then you’re ONE CLICK away from a permanent solution…because I’d like to invite you to my upcoming FREE, LIVE webclass—where you’ll learn How to Land Your Dream Job WithOUT Suffering Through Countless Applications or Facing Constant Rejection…or Even Being An Expert Resume Writer, Interviewer, or Networker!

You can sign up now by clicking on the link in the description below or by going to the REGISTRATION LINK. Taking back control of your interview process and NEVER struggling again with the “Interview Brain Freeze” is actually a lot simpler than you think. I want to help you save HOURS of prep AND land the job you truly desire and deserve!

—For more information about our Programs, our FREE 5-Day Dream Job Challenge, and our FREE Amazon-Best Selling Book, “The Obvious Candidate,” visit