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How to Write a Resume that Immediately HOOKS Your Key Decision-Makers

Jul 9, 2024 | Resume

How’s it going, Career Commander?! I’m back on our mission together to give you an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE in your job search. Today, I’m super pumped to show you How to Write a Resume that Immediately HOOKS Your Key Decision-Makers.

Hey, it’s Tommy here, and remember, each week I bring you tips, stories, and insights geared to help you immediately take ACTION in your job search process. In today’s cut-throat job market, where competition is fierce and hundreds of applicants can be fighting for the same job, you need a way to immediately STAND OUT from the crowd.

But here’s the thing—almost all of your competition doesn’t know how to do this because they completely miss the point of WHAT purpose the resume truly serves in the first place. It’s not just some sheet of paper where you list your qualifications and experiences and hope for the best. It is the #1 Marketing Tool in Your Job Search Arsenal, and it has two very important objectives:

  1. It has to be built in a way that primes it to pass the Applicant Tracking System at each one of your job applications.
  2. Once it does reach human eyes, it needs to market and sell you as The MOST Obvious Candidate to the recruiters, interviewers, and hiring managers at your dream opportunities.

Which is what I want to cover here today. Just like how a great product will NEVER be sold if it doesn’t have the right type of language or sales script, your resume will NEVER stand out if it’s written in a way that doesn’t cater to your key decision-makers.

And it all starts with your HOOK—otherwise known as your Summary Statement, the very first thing your key decision-makers see when they read your resume. If you want to craft a resume that gets you NOTICED and REMEMBERED, here’s what you need to include in your Summary Statement to stand out:

1. Start with an Action Verb next to your Professional Title: This immediately tells your audience WHO YOU ARE, which also happens to be exactly WHO they’re looking for.

2. Include your Key Experiences: Along with the total number of years you’ve worked in your field. You want to give your background and depth of experience BEFORE your key decision-makers read the rest of your resume and show them a snapshot of WHAT YOU’VE DONE.

3. Highlight your Relevant Specialties: Demonstrate your “field expertise”—the most prevalent tasks you accomplished in your previous positions that would translate well to your desired job.

4. Showcase your Top Achievements: Prove them to be true by either qualifying or quantifying them with time, money, or percentages.

Now, I know I’m giving you a lot of information right now and you may be wondering how it all works together. Well, don’t worry, I’m not going to leave you hanging out to dry. In fact, I’ve already created the proven writing formula and blueprint that essentially writes your Summary Statement AND the entire rest of your resume FOR you. It’s in my system that I’ll be unveiling in my upcoming FREE, LIVE webclass—where I’m going to show you How to Land Your Dream Job WithOUT Suffering Through Countless Applications or Facing Constant Rejection.

You can sign up now by clicking the link in the description below or by going to the REGISTRATION LINK. So if you want to write a resume that WILL HOOK your key decision-makers, make sure to join me there.

For more information about our Programs, our FREE 5-Day Dream Job Challenge, and our FREE Amazon-Best Selling Book, “The Obvious Candidate,” visit