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The SECRET that Holds MILLIONS Back from Landing Their Dream Jobs EVERY YEAR

Jul 9, 2024 | Application Process

Hey there! Are you holding back from applying to your dream jobs because you don’t check every box in the job description? Well, I’ve got a secret you NEED to know that’s going to blow your mind!

Hey Career Commanders, it’s Tommy here again. Today, we continue our journey together to give you an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE in your job search. Each week, I’m here to arm you with the insights and secrets you need to land your dream job and get paid more to do it.

Today, I want to share a secret that holds MILLIONS of job seekers back from landing their dream job EVERY YEAR. Let me ask you a question. Have you ever come across a job posting that seems like the perfect fit, only to have your hopes shattered when you see the required qualifications and experience?

If you have, then you’ve fallen victim to one of the most common FALSE BELIEFS in your search process: the belief that you need to meet every single qualification in a job posting to apply.

Here’s the truth: Hiring isn’t always about who’s the most qualified or experienced on paper. It’s about who stands out as the MOST OBVIOUS CHOICE. Remember this: People hire based on emotion, not just logic. And due to our natural human nature, that will never change.

Think about it…there will ALWAYS be candidates who are more qualified or experienced than you applying for the same position. That’s just reality, right? But are they always the ones who get the job? NO! And maybe you’ve even been in this situation yourself when someone with seemingly less experience landed the position you were eyeing. It’s frustrating, right? But here’s the reason why they succeeded.

They knew how to position themselves as the MOST OBVIOUS CHOICE. This happens when you understand how to market, sell, and position your unique blend of skills, experiences, and personality in a way that HOOKS and resonates emotionally with the hiring team.

Landing your dream job isn’t about having all the right qualifications. Hardly anyone does! The key is in how you PRESENT yourself. It’s about telling a compelling story that aligns with the company’s needs and culture. It’s about showing them why you, and your unique talents, are the perfect fit for their team.

And here’s the best part. You don’t need to be a self-marketing pro to do ANY of this because I’ve already built the whole system for YOU. And I’m unveiling it in my upcoming FREE, LIVE webclass, where you’re going to learn How to Land Your Dream Job WithOUT Suffering Through Countless Applications or Facing Constant Rejection.

So if you want to learn how you can easily position yourself as the top candidate—even if you don’t meet every single qualification or experience—sign up now by clicking on the link in the description below or by going to REGISTRATION LINK.

Don’t let job descriptions intimidate you anymore. I’m going to show you how to turn them into your greatest advantage!

For more information about our Programs, our FREE 5-Day Dream Job Challenge, and our FREE Amazon-Best Selling Book, “The Obvious Candidate,” visit