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Why You’re Preparing for Interviews ALL WRONG

Jul 9, 2024 | Interview

Hey, my friend! Your words MATTER and can be the difference between landing your dream job and being left in the dust. Today, I’m going to show you WHY you’re preparing for your interviews ALL WRONG.

Hey, it’s Tommy back here again on our mission together to give you an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE in your job search. Each week, I’m going to give you a tip, story, or insight that’s meant to get you closer to your DREAM JOB. And today, we’re going to tackle quite possibly the most critical part of your job search: The Interview.

If your job interviews feel like rolling dice—where you feel more and more anxious about suffering the dreaded “Interview Brain Freeze” when it matters most—I’m here to give you BACK control.

Do you know the #1 Stressor for most job seekers? It’s the interview. There’s a common myth that interviews are unpredictable, forcing you to memorize answers and HOPE for the best. But what if I told you that this is a mere illusion and the complete WRONG way to prepare?

Yes, it’s true that you can’t mind-read your interviewer and know every question you’ll be asked before the interview. But that’s not the goal. If you’re focusing solely on what questions you might be asked, you’re over-preparing for things you can’t control.

Here’s the truth: You LOSE control when you prepare for WHAT questions you might be asked. You GAIN control by learning HOW to answer any question you’re asked. It’s not about the question, it’s about your answer. If you don’t have a proven answering framework you can quickly use in the heat of the interview, you might as well be throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. No wonder the interview is so stressful, right?!

Take the classic “Tell me about yourself” question that’s caused millions of interviewees to stumble. Most job seekers try to memorize an exact answer to this question and then freeze up in the interview when they can’t remember the words.

Look, as humans, we aren’t meant to be perfectly repetitive robots. In fact, we can’t even write our name the same way twice. Seriously, try it! So, of course, taking this approach in your interview is going to cause you to fail!

Instead of a rehearsed strategy, you need a powerful framework that positions you as The Obvious Candidate for the job. It’s about crafting your answers not JUST to respond, but to guide, influence, and persuade the interviewer towards seeing you as the IDEAL FIT for the role.

And guess what? I’m going to show you exactly HOW to do this in my system. If you want to become the candidate every interviewer REMEMBERS, sign up for my upcoming FREE, LIVE webclass—where I’m going to show you How to Land Your Dream Job withOUT Suffering Through Countless Applications or Facing Constant Rejection…or Even Being An Expert Interviewer.

Just click the link in the description below or go to REGISTRATION LINK to register now! Before I sign off today, remember—your interview isn’t something that’s OUT of your control. By learning HOW to answer ANY question thrown your way, you’ll not only eliminate your stress but also leave the threat of the Interview Brain Freeze in the past for good!

For more information about our Programs, our FREE 5-Day Dream Job Challenge, and our FREE Amazon-Best Selling Book, “The Obvious Candidate,” visit